"The Beaver Fever"

Hahaha. That title’s gonna get my blog tons of hits. I’ll explain. It’s not as dirty as you think, perverts. Turns out I contracted some sort of foodbourne illness from the last string of shows. Who knows where it came from – could be the raw oysters or the snapper or the Philly Cheesesteak for all I know. I got pretty sick – the kind of sick that makes you ache from head to toe and makes your mouth go numb. Went to the Dr. and his guess was that I was suffering from an illness that…well I won’t get … Read more

U.S. Navy Blue Angels!

I know I’ve left some of you wondering about the new show that I’m excited about.  I was asked by the U.S. Navy Blue Angels Flight Demonstration Squadron to do a performance at their home base in Pensacola, Florida!  Many of you have seen the Blue Angels at air shows or on television.  Personally, I’ve been a fan of them since I was a kid and as a bit of an aviation buff, this is a huge thrill for me.  I’ll also be hanging out with and doing magic for the Blue Angels at the Cleveland Air Show in August! … Read more

Summer Fun!

Hope everyone is enjoying the summer! Things here have been great. I’m in the process of moving my blournal to WordPress instead of Myspace. Most readers of my blournal read it as an imported Facebook note anyway, so it won’t matter! If you’re interested, the feed for my blournal is: http://michaelkentlive.wordpress.com/feed For me, summer means that my schedule slows down a bit from touring colleges and I performing a slightly less rigorous schedule of private performances for corporations and what not. My last performance was for the Ohio Clerk of Courts Education Committee which turned out to get a little … Read more

Michelle Black Photoshoot

Originally Posted on 5/16/08 Hey! Just did a photoshoot with Michelle Black. See the whole shoot here!

What I Been Up To…

Originally Posted on 5/14/08 So the spring college tour is finished! I’ve been very fortunate – this was the busiest spring I’ve ever had and I’m enjoying some extra free time now! My last two college shows were great times. The first was Miami University of Ohio in Oxford. It was an outdoor carnival-type event and the show was held on the back steps of the union building there. Here’s a shot of the stage: It was a really great crowd and everyone was in the mood to have a good time. The following Monday night, I performed at The … Read more

My Former Career – Finally Revealed

Originally Posted on 4/1/08 Well, someone finally youtubed an old video – and the only video – of my former career as an escape artist in the 80s. The secret’s out. And here’s the video: .. UPDATE For those of you who are good with math, you may realize that I couldn’t have been more than 4 years old in 1983, when this video was taken. The magician/escape artist you’re seeing is Michael Kent, a magician from Kansas (now residing in Sarasota, Florida) who performed a series of these stunts in the 80’s for monster truck shows. For those of … Read more

Performing at WKVO 1580 AM Democratic Party with Stephanie Miller – Tix Available!

Originally Posted on 2/23/08 Hey! Just found out I’m doing a show at WVKO 1580 AM’s Democratic “Party” featuring Nationally Syndicated Radio Show Host, Stephanie Miller! Tickets are still available! The event also will have free pizza, a cash bar, a 50/50 raffle, WVKO promotional items and more! (Adults only please!) Entertainment provided by The Spikedrivers, Donna Mogavero Michael Kent and the Ukulele Man. I’m fairly certain this is going to be an AWESOME time! Tickets and Information HERE.